
What is Bikram Yoga?

Bikram Yoga was established in 1946 by Dr. Bikram Chowdhury, who was born in Calcutta, India.

Young and old, we do the same poses every day in the same order, in the same program, regardless of language, race, or disease, but there are always new discoveries.
Also, because it is the same program, you can notice small changes in your body, and you can deepen your confidence by continuing.

What is Bikram Yoga?

Benefits of Bikram Yoga

From thousands of grouper yogas (one of the yoga school), data has come out that bikram teacher picks up and is medically effective in lessons made to be the most effective.

By continuing bikram yoga, you will get a supple, balanced, healthy and beautiful body.
Each pose that mainly performs the maintenance of the spine stretches the muscles of the whole body.
Therefore, I often hear that the muscles are stretched and trained, and the skeleton changes and the height has increased.

In addition, we have received reports of effects obtained by Bikram yoga , improving the flexibility and balance of muscles through the whole body , strengthening of cardiovascular vessels and balancing respiratory action at the same time ・ Promoting weight loss ・ Reducing the risk of injury in sports and daily life, shortening the recovery time from injuries , increasing

concentration ,

reducing stress , and

improving skin beauty.

Effects of Bikram Yoga 2

Bikram Yoga Environment

Bikram Yoga studios average room temperature of 40°C and humidity of 40% or more.
The hot studio maximizes flexibility and makes your body more supple.
Not only that, but this room temperature protects the body because it deepens breathing and improves blood flow.

In summary, it protects muscles to allow deeper stretching , detoxifies the body (detoxifies) ・ has the effect of further

exposing blood to

clean the circulatory system.

First of all, pose carefully so that you can breathe naturally


Lesson Content

Please finish your meal 2 hours before it starts.



Start with breathing and start with a standing pose. During this time, please refrain from water as much as possible.
This is to fully create the effect of yoga. If you are just starting out in Bikram Yoga, you can take water until you get used to it.
Please try not to overdo it.



Do a standing pose so far.
Finally, we will enter the production of Bikram Yoga.



The spine series will finally become Bikram Yoga.
Focus on the last breath with on/off in mind.
Please try to challenge difficult poses by facing yourself now instead of posing well.